BioEnTech, excellence and innovation
BioEnTech deploys state-of-the-art digital technologies such as artificial intelligence amd digital twins to improve and optimize green chemistry, in particular the optimization of bioprocesses. This know-how makes BioEnTech an essential partner of innovation in the world of bioprocesses and industry 4.0, with the participation in many national R&D projects.
Biogaz RIO (2019-2022): Optimizing the feed recipe for digesters
- Partner: INRAE (leader), BioEnTech, SUEZ, NASKEO, Distillerie Sud Languedoc
- Budget: €900K (INRAE BioEnTech sub-part), FEDER Region funding
- Objective: development of an algorithm to estimate and arbitrate the value of organic waste in the methanization/composting and entomoculture pathways and the ideal feeding recipe for a methanizer.

MAPPED (2017-2019) : Digital solution for optimising waste management across a territory
- Partner: BioEnTech (leader), ENGIE, Akajoule, INRAE
- Budget: 3.2 million, PIA ADEME funding
- Objective: remove the main technical and organisational barriers in the methanisation chain by integrating intelligent digital tools at the unit and territorial level. These tools will help strengthen the profitability of the sector in a circular economy approach by optimizing the use of resources and the environmental balance of the sector.
ANRautorferm (2014-2017): control tools for agricultural methanation
- Partner: Université de Lorraine- ENSAIA (leader), BioEnTech, LRGP, Université de technologie de Troyes, LaSalle Beauvais.
- Budget: €800K, funding: ANR
- Objective: The difficulty of controlling the units leads designers to take significant safety margins related to very long retention times (50 to 90 days), often multiplying implementation volumes by 2. This safety margin is explained by the fact that a major problem on a digester can lead to shutdowns of 2 to 3 months. Ensuring the reliability of the agricultural digester will reduce these residence times and thus considerably reduce the amount of investment to be expected. The Autoferm programme has made it possible to design an interactive steering tool providing the operator with a guarantee on the conduct of his production unit and in particular to detect biological and technical problems sufficiently early.

Project creation & Management
3 national projects, leader of a future investment plan, management of 2 CIFRE theses
Technology transfer
BioEnTech works hand-in-hand with European experts to accelerate the introduction of innovative solutions to the market
Recognized and protected industrial applications:
EU Patent No. 3 205 629 Divisional Request No. 3047582
EU Patent No. 3 156 792
An expertise validated by the scientific community with 6 international publications.
Charnier, C., 2016
Charnier, C. 2017a
Charnier, C., 2017b,
Charnier, C., 2018,
Fisgativa, H., 2020
Jimenez, J., 2020.