Advanced monitoring of bioprocesses
MeMo® is an advanced digital process monitoring solution dedicated to supporting you in the control, security and optimization of your biological process (wastewater treatment plant, methanization plant, etc.). Reducing operational risks, improving your production and simplifying the management of your plant are the pillars of MeMo®.
MeMo-PLAN for agriculture MeMo-PRO for Industries MeMo-STEP for cities equipments
Real-time security and diagnostics
MeMo® diagnoses the health status of your process in real time. This helps to ensure its safety. It avoids most of the accidents related to digester biology (such as acidosis or alkalosis).
MeMo® is based on a powerful computing core powered by data from the plant. It calculates the key operating parameters of the unit such as VFA concentration, alkalinity ratio, ammonia or bacteria activity. This information is then processed to provide a diagnosis of the risk of acidosis and alkalosis of the digester in real time.

Performance and economic gain
MeMo constantly suggests operating parameters and feeding recipes to maximize the profitability of your site.
A true digital twin, MeMo® models your process to predict performance and define the best operating scenario. MeMo® provides you with personalized suggestions on feeding and management of operating parameters (temperature, load, etc.) to increase your production and reduce your OPEX (operating costs). The predictive nature of MeMo® will also make it possible to organize future changes and study new ways of improving your process.
Management of the administrative and technical activity of your site
Memo® centralizes, archives and organises the control data of your unit.
MeMo® is available as a web application and accessible from desktop as well as mobile devices. Even remotely, you are able to access all available data, so you can automatically and very simply complete your reports.

Reduction of
Reduction of energy consumption and chemical consumables. Gain up to 80 k€/year.
Increase production and your income
Increased production of your site. Experience feedback validates 100 k€/year of profit.
Avoid risks of inhibition and shutdowns. 90% of risks detected and avoided on biology.
Management of your inputs and operating parameters, real-time optimization.